Gunter Winkler
keyword |
details |
publications |
education |
- finished school Lessing Gymnasion Döbeln in 1995
- finished diploma thesis about Finite Element Methods
for Heston's stochastic volatility model in march 2001 at Chemnitz University of Technology
- currently working on PhD. about "control constrained optimal control problems on PDEs in non-convex 3-dimensional domains"
IT-knowledge |
- variuos programming languages: C, C++, Delphi, Pascal, (Visual) Basic, Fortran, Assembler (x86),
Perl, unix shell scripts
- system administration: Linux, MS Windows
- network administration: Router, Firewall, Server, Workstation
- web design: HTML (look at these pages)
- software: everything which has a manual or source code available
dates |
practice/trainee |
- summer 1999: helped 2 months programming a database application at a software house
- spring 2000: 3 months at Commerzbank
of development of software for (currency) option pricing
hobbies |
awards |
- Universitätspreis 2001 of Chemnitz University for excellent diploma thesis
This document was last modified on Wednesday June 13, 2007